Betting Winners VS Middling.


New member
Dec 29, 2004
I know alot of successful betters, not one of them middle. once in a blue moon I will go for a NBA total middle with the game with the 2nd half. I think if you are a good handicapper or someone that gets good 1st hand information on a daily basics you will win a ton more as long as you manage your money and dont make any force plays. I tell this to people everyday, if you beat the line you beat the game, thats the whole key beating the line. I"m not saying middling is a losing proposition, but I seen alot of good middlers go dead broke. I know alot of smart people not ONE of them ever brags about how much they win. Smart PEOPLE dont advertize how smart they are, they dont believe in it, atleast all the ones I know anyway. I never in life would ever listen to someone that tells me how smart he is, I want to listen to the person that plays dumb. Baseball starts tomorrow and I think its the easiest Sport to beat by FAR, I cant wait for it to get here. I REPEAT I"m not saying you cant win middling games, its just not my cup of tea.:103631605

New member
Sep 21, 2004
GOOD middlers do not go broke. If they go broke, they are clueless, or were broke to begin with. You correctly say that the whole key is beating the line -- this is exactly what middlers do. A good middler beats the line, often on both sides. Nothing wrong with both middling and betting. No reason to pass any profitable opportunity.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
As usual, great post Rainbow!

I do however believe middling/scalping can be INCORPORATED into a successful gamblers portfolio on different percentage levels, much in the way you indicated you do in a very small way.

I do understand that you realize that RB, just stating.

Thanks again for the thought provoking post Rainbowhead.


Sep 21, 2004
Chubby, I mean Rainbow. Do you even know what middling is? If you need something to get me on, just say I should not post I am winning, I accept that. Do I have to? Of course not. Does it bother you? Don't let it. But when you post I know middlers that have gone broke, maybe you are hanging out with the wrong crowd. Sometimes it is hard to tell where the hell you are coming from. But this one is a little worse than most of your revelations. Middling can be one of the most profitable situations in our business. I know, you forgot more in your sleep than I will ever know. But I do know this, middling is profitable, when executed within guidelines and parameters. I sure am glad you think I am sharp, or you may attack me?

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

New member
Dec 29, 2004
Chubby, I mean Rainbow. Do you even know what middling is? If you need something to get me on, just say I should not post I am winning, I accept that. Do I have to? Of course not. Does it bother you? Don't let it. But when you post I know middlers that have gone broke, maybe you are hanging out with the wrong crowd. Sometimes it is hard to tell where the hell you are coming from. But this one is a little worse than most of your revelations. Middling can be one of the most profitable situations in our business. I know, you forgot more in your sleep than I will ever know. But I do know this, middling is profitable, when executed within guidelines and parameters. I sure am glad you think I am sharp, or you may attack me?

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

I do have respect for you, I just forgot to tell you the People I know that are successful would eat you for lunch, I"m not saying you are not smart, you just not in their league, that I'm 100% sure of, SIMPLY because they dont brag how smart they are. I think you should go drink a glass a wine and take it easy and relax. Turtle I mean froggie GL with your middling.
Sep 21, 2004
I glad you know me so well Chubby. But you are master of the twist. Do not get the turtle, will it be as funny if you have to explain it to me? Yes, you are surrounded by geniuses, that go broke middling. Which is it? Why compare your mystery associates with me? You contradict yourself at every turn, you let everone know how sharp all of your friends are, and offend everyone you can with you could not shine their shoes etc. You remind me of that little brook out in the country. The one that is constantly babbling. Maybe you think you know me, I assure you every guess you have made has been wrong. All I see is you like stirring the pot. I sure hope the broke middlers are not the ones you are refering to as the ones who will eat my lunch. Excuse my skepticism.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

New member
Dec 29, 2004
I glad you know me so well Chubby. But you are master of the twist. Do not get the turtle, will it be as funny if you have to explain it to me? Yes, you are surrounded by geniuses, that go broke middling. Which is it? Why compare your mystery associates with me? You contradict yourself at every turn, you let everone know how sharp all of your friends are, and offend everyone you can with you could not shine their shoes etc. You remind me of that little brook out in the country. The one that is constantly babbling. Maybe you think you know me, I assure you every guess you have made has been wrong. All I see is you like stirring the pot. I sure hope the broke middlers are not the ones you are refering to as the ones who will eat my lunch. Excuse my skepticism.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

I"m not contradicting myself. plain and simple the guys I know that are successfull beat the line thats why they are winners. I just know you have alot of BS with you, why in the world would anybody supposenly smart paste his plays on the website after the FACT, very strange if you ask me. none of the guys I know would even think about doing something like that. I hope you keep winning millions. End of story.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
I have middled once in a long time is sweet when it happens but not to often...I will only try to middle if I have taken the dog lets say +10 and they lead by 5 at the half...I may go for a middle to see if it lands inside the number....a few times it has and is great
Sep 21, 2004
Rainbow said:
I"m not contradicting myself. plain and simple the guys I know that are successfull beat the line thats why they are winners. I just know you have alot of BS with you, why in the world would anybody supposenly smart paste his plays on the website after the FACT, very strange if you ask me. none of the guys I know would even think about doing something like that. I hope you keep winning millions. End of story.[/QUOTE

Join the crowd, I will not do it again. As smart as I am supposed to be, I did not see the overwhelming negative reaction coming. I am not going to debate your beat the line argument again. That would be a rerun. If it was that simple, there would be a lot more of your successful friends to compare me with. You know I have BS with me? Somehow if I did not post the tickets, you would say the same thing, I will never win in Chubby's eyes. I have never won a million, ever. I blew it today with the tickets. My mistake. I hope you can forgive that I do not measure up to your friends Chubby. I might lose sleep over that.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

New member
Dec 29, 2004
I glad you know me so well Chubby. But you are master of the twist. Do not get the turtle, will it be as funny if you have to explain it to me? Yes, you are surrounded by geniuses, that go broke middling. Which is it? Why compare your mystery associates with me? You contradict yourself at every turn, you let everone know how sharp all of your friends are, and offend everyone you can with you could not shine their shoes etc. You remind me of that little brook out in the country. The one that is constantly babbling. Maybe you think you know me, I assure you every guess you have made has been wrong. All I see is you like stirring the pot. I sure hope the broke middlers are not the ones you are refering to as the ones who will eat my lunch. Excuse my skepticism.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:
Toad, I have no reason to lie about these middlers that went dead broke, just remember onething if numbers dont fall I sure dont want to be your juice partner.:drink:
Sep 21, 2004
Never said you were lying. I would say you make a lot of reckless assumptions, and then say alot of demeaning things. I mean if you were the kind of person who walked around saying, my friends would eat your lunch, or you could shine my friends shoes, or I forgot more than you while sleeping. I guess that is the true behavior of a smart person like you. Make a lot of friends at the same time.
I wish I was in your league, your friends league, just somewhere near you. Thank you for showing me the way. Do not post tickets, just belittle anyone who disagrees with you. I am a fast learner Chubby. Thank You for the education.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:
Sep 21, 2004
X-Files said:
Why pay the price of admission for a comedy at the theatre
when one can read threads like this for free?

No kidding, price is right. Very entertaining. Sort of mean spirited today though. I guess Rainbow is colorful. Just distorts and twists so much, it is pure entertainment. But he has offended a lot of good posters, and his lame apologies do not make up for it. The site suffers with behavior like that. Does someone so sharp really have to brag how sharp his friends are? How much sharper they are than you? That is a contridiction in itself. If he was so sharp, or he really had all of these alledged super sharp friends, would he have to throw it in your face everytime to gain credibility? That is food for thought.

My favorite avatar X. Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

New member
Dec 29, 2004
Never said you were lying. I would say you make a lot of reckless assumptions, and then say alot of demeaning things. I mean if you were the kind of person who walked around saying, my friends would eat your lunch, or you could shine my friends shoes, or I forgot more than you while sleeping. I guess that is the true behavior of a smart person like you. Make a lot of friends at the same time.
I wish I was in your league, your friends league, just somewhere near you. Thank you for showing me the way. Do not post tickets, just belittle anyone who disagrees with you. I am a fast learner Chubby. Thank You for the education.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:
I really think you are a smart person, but you have one bad habit and that habit is EGO, its a bad habit, its a disease, but at the same time it doesnt make you a bad person. I"m telling you the honest the Gods truth none of the people I know would ever paste their plays on a website period muchless after the FACT. they wouldnt even take time to chat with you like I"m doing, they want people to think they are dumb. plain and simple smart people dont brag on how smart they are. I admit I do say things to you sometimes I dont mean, its called a rush, a rush is when my blood goes into the back of my head, I dont think I"m the lone ranger when it comes to a person that is all upset.

New member
Dec 29, 2004
No kidding, price is right. Very entertaining. Sort of mean spirited today though. I guess Rainbow is colorful. Just distorts and twists so much, it is pure entertainment. But he has offended a lot of good posters, and his lame apologies do not make up for it. The site suffers with behavior like that. Does someone so sharp really have to brag how sharp his friends are? How much sharper they are than you? That is a contridiction in itself. If he was so sharp, or he really had all of these alledged super sharp friends, would he have to throw it in your face everytime to gain credibility? That is food for thought.

My favorite avatar X. Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Read my post which one looks twisted to you. PASTPOSTING is the WORST. you need to sweep your own house instead of trying to sweep someone elses.
Sep 21, 2004
Rainbow said:
I really think you are a smart person, but you have one bad habit and that habit is EGO, its a bad habit, its a disease, but at the same time it doesnt make you a bad person. I"m telling you the honest the Gods truth none of the people I know would ever paste their plays on a website period muchless after the FACT. they wouldnt even take time to chat with you like I"m doing, they want people to think they are dumb. plain and simple smart people dont brag on how smart they are. I admit I do say things to you sometimes I dont mean, its called a rush, a rush is when my blood goes into the back of my head, I dont think I"m the lone ranger when it comes to a person that is all upset.

Luckily in your judgement, I am not a bad diseased person. Now the Ego attack. Different angle, still finding fault. Why are you so interested about me? Why do you always have to bring your friends behavior into the thread? Everything is plain and simple to you. The things you say are not from a rush, but from ignorance and lack of self disclipline. Your arguments are never coherent, and the way you use your friends as a weapon reveals you have nothing to offer yourself. I for one, could care less about your friends. You did attack my friend, Greenhead, just because he pointed out you were wrong. By your behavior here, it should happen more often. You should take a long look at yourself, maybe ask your friends if it is OK, and think, why I am so opinionated on issues on which I have no information? Is your single claim to fame your friends? Argue things on your own merits, not on what you think your friends would do. Quit being a follower. Post something useful, just once. Your rep is not equal to your post and actions. You really sadden me with your constant judgement. My friends, who would eat your lunch, would never post on a site how sharp their friends are. Sounds silly doesn't it?

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:
Feb 20, 2002
Wow, i thought this opera was fading, & to my hilarious delight
it just gets better.

Will be moved to the RR:

Yes: -1200
No: +1100

Will be moved today:

Yes: -120
No: +115

I have a theory about strong Rx posting cappers being harrassed
by bookies & co to get them to jump ship. Lots of books in CR.

New member
Dec 29, 2004
Luckily in your judgement, I am not a bad diseased person. Now the Ego attack. Different angle, still finding fault. Why are you so interested about me? Why do you always have to bring your friends behavior into the thread? Everything is plain and simple to you. The things you say are not from a rush, but from ignorance and lack of self disclipline. Your arguments are never coherent, and the way you use your friends as a weapon reveals you have nothing to offer yourself. I for one, could care less about your friends. You did attack my friend, Greenhead, just because he pointed out you were wrong. By your behavior here, it should happen more often. You should take a long look at yourself, maybe ask your friends if it is OK, and think, why I am so opinionated on issues on which I have no information? Is your single claim to fame your friends? Argue things on your own merits, not on what you think your friends would do. Quit being a follower. Post something useful, just once. Your rep is not equal to your post and actions. You really sadden me with your constant judgement. My friends, who would eat your lunch, would never post on a site how sharp their friends are. Sounds silly doesn't it?

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Toad, Why dont you go crawl back in your HOLE. your friend Greenhead knew I was talking about major sports and you did too. Why dont you go BS someone else with your crap. maybe you can convince them you are no Past Poster. If I posted lies I would rather be dead, simply because I would be lying to myself. I think I might go frogging later tonight.:drink:

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
gentleman...please continue in the RR as I feel this thread is not going to get any better

thanks and good luck on your plays this week

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